Friday, October 06, 2006

Would you mind getting out of my space?

I don't really like MySpace. I have a profile, I sign
into it almost daily - but I don't really like it. I
have included multiple pictures of myself, toyed with
the page layout (it's currently purple) - I mean, I
put some effort into it. But I don't really like it

Friends from college got me hooked on MySpace
initially. We each made our profiles, searched for
other random names from college. But once we got over
those first moments of , "oh! did you see so-and-so's profile!!?", the thrill quickly faded. Nobody cares much anymore. I know I sure don't.

After a few months of MySpace involvement really all I am left with is this: contact with people I probably shouldn't be in contact with. That sounds bitchy, but let me elaborate. My best example of this is Melissa. Melissa is a girl - well, now woman - that I went to high school with. I haven not seen or spoken to Melissa in 11 years. She lives in the city I grew up in - a city I've also not lived in for 11 years. She found my profile in the "friends" section of another schoolmate of mine, Jill. Jill and I grew up together, in addition to going to high school together - so it would make sense that we would be "friends" on MySpace. But with Melissa it's somewhat different. Sure, she seemed like a nice enough person. But I wouldn't know that for sure. In fact, I actually can't remember Melissa's last name. I had one class with her, 10th grade U.S. History. In 11th grade Melissa got pregnant and dropped out of high school - thus putting an end to the part of our life paths that would cross.

Until MySpace.

Anyone who has been a MySpace member is familiar with the awkward and occasional "friend invite" from someone you don't know very well. They are an acquaintance, at best. But you "know" them just well enough that it would feel rude to "deny" their invitation. So, you
add them to your "friends" list. And usually it's left at that - their profile lingers in your
"friends" area, your profile is in theirs, but you never actually communicate. But again, with Melissa it's different. Almost weekly I get a message from Melissa that usually goes something like this: "HEY GIRL!! HOPE YOUR DOING GOOD UP THERE! WRITE SOON!!"
Sometimes it will go a little deeper, more along the lines of: "HEY GIRL!! ARE YOU COMING TO TO TOWN SOON? LET'S CATCH UP!! WRITE SOON!!" These messages are pretty
much always in ALL CAPS and with multiple exclamation marks, so I envision her - as she looked in high school - yelling these comments in my face. But I'm a total pushover and always write back some equally meaningless response like: "Hi Melissa! I'm doing well. Not sure when I'll be visiting - I'll let you know. Take care!" And mind you, at no other moment in
my life would I sign an email "Take care!". Nor would I end it with an exclamation point. Only with Melissa.

I imagine I'll hang in there with My Space for a little while longer. Maybe I can reconnect with Sarah - the girl I shared a gym locker with in 8th grade.

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