Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I do not endorse....

Still not blogging about anything of any substance...sorry. What I will share with you is another tip - this time I send you a word of caution - a product you should avoid.

The Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.

I may be alone on this - a lot of people like this creation, apparently. Everyone in my office sure seems to. I, however, think the Pumpkin Spice Latte is repulsive. I had one this afternoon and have nothing good to say about it. It cost over three dollars and it is now perched on the edge of my desk, more than half full - its overwhelming odor tainting the air around me.


Bossy Bar-Wife said...

Preach, sister. Mayor of crazytown and I tried one out this weekend, and it was the most disgusting thing ever. Bring on the Christmas flavors, because... barf.

Snake Nation said...

Welcome Windermerewoman - nice work on the name! :)

Bossy - I'm just sorry I couldn't have prevented you and the mayor from going down that path first. We live and we learn.

Mayor of Crazytown said...

THANK YOU! As Bossy said, we tried these this weekend and I literally thought I had accidentally turned over a rotten pumpkin to drain the juice into my mouth. I really thought it was going to be good, so sad.